Arts Based Activation

Arts Based Activation

Arts & Culture General Places

On Sunday afternoon the backyard of former Australian Prime Minister, John Curtin, became a hive of activity as creatives gathered for another installment of the Curtin Family Home Series.

Instead of the traditional lecture model, the National Trust teamed with WritingWA and UpSwell Publishing to deliver an engaging and interactive workshop.

Inspired by the early career of John Curtin and his long-held love of writing, three authors spoke to a gathered crowd on three distinct topics.

INSPIRE Writer in Residence Josephine Wilson shared her experiences in the home, and how her residency inspired her works. She touched on the significance of objects – how they tell stories and questioned how we maintain the integrity of these stories. She also questioned the changing identity of Australians, sparking a lively conversation about place, time and reflection.

Following a short break, author and WritingWA representative Melinda Tognini guided the inspired crew through the process of writing history. She shared some helpful hints and tips and posed a very important question. “But why?”

The final speaker of the day was Terri-anne White of Upswell Publising. Terri-anne spoke of the journey an author undertakes, the role of the publisher and granted some insight into the relationship between the two. She answered many burning questions and shared some experiences of her own.

The event is another in our series of arts-based activations – Proudly supported by Lotterywest 


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