Congratulations to the Binalup Rangers

Congratulations to the Binalup Rangers


We were very pleased to support the Binalup Rangers request to the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions for funding to support their on-ground activities on Menang boodja and congratulate them on their successful application.

The National Trust manages a culturally significant site at Barmup which, as well as being a registered Aboriginal site, is an important contact site being the location chosen for the first British farm in what became known as Western Australia.

We have been working closely with the Menang community to rebalance the presentation of the site to visitors to enable them to understand the whole of the cultural landscape and its importance to Noongar people.

“The Binalup Aboriginal Corporation would like to thank the National Trust for their support with our program, we’re excited to partner with the National Trust to look after Barmup, a significant place for both our Noongar people and Australian history,” said Shawn Colbung, Binalup Chairman.

While only a relatively small portion of remnant bush, we understand the value of protecting and managing urban bushland and also the cultural value to the Menang community through enabling access to an important registered site.

We believe that supporting this funding request will support positive social, cultural and environmental outcomes for this significant landscape and for the Menang community.

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