Expressions of Interest for the Jarrahdale Mill Manager’s House and Mill

Expressions of Interest for the Jarrahdale Mill Manager’s House and Mill

General Places

The Mill Manager’s House was built in 1881 when Jarrahdale was the site of the first major timber milling operations in Western Australia. It played a key role in the export of jarrah around the world making a significant contribution to the State’s economic growth.

The timber industry started in the district in the 1870s with at least 15 steam mills at various locations over the years. Timber was a key industry in Jarrahdale with most of the 600 or so people who lived in the town dependent either directly or indirectly on the timber industry. Milling officially ended in 1997.

We invite your Expression of Interest to lease the iconic Jarrahdale Mill Manager’s House and Mill. Both of these landmark heritage listed buildings have the potential to be a significant commercial opportunity, bringing economic and social dividends to Jarrahdale and the broader region.

“This beautiful property is now rare, being one of only a few surviving purpose-built mill manager’s residences that remain in their original setting in Western Australia” said Julian Donaldson, National Trust of Western Australia CEO. “We are looking forward to seeing this place come to life and link into the Shire’s key tourism initiatives.”

Currently sitting vacant, the Mill Manager’s House and Mill are listed as ‘special use’ by the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale. Any proposed use will be subject to local council approval. Early liaison with the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale regarding planning and building code compliance requirements is recommended.

The Mill Manager’s House and Mill will be open for inspection at the following times:
Thursday 14 September 12pm-1pm
Wednesday 20 September 10am-11am
Bookings are essential through the National Trust on 9321 6088 /

Find out more by downloading the Mill Manager’s House and Mill Expressions of interest documents.


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