Golden Pipeline Receives Protecting Our national Historic Sites Funding

Golden Pipeline Receives Protecting Our national Historic Sites Funding

Golden Pipeline

The National Trust of Western Australia has been successful in its application for ‘Protecting our National Historic Sites’ funding of $734, 290 over three years for conservation and interpretation of the nationally listed Goldfields Water Supply Scheme (GWSS).

The project aims to continue conservation and interpretation of the GWSS along its 560km length between Mundaring Weir and Kalgoorlie. It is divided into three parts: the conservation and interpretation of # 8 Pump Station 50km west of Coolgardie (the most intact of the scheme), the upgrading and installation of public information along the trail, and the development of an online public education and learning program.

$425, 000 will go toward conservation of buildings at # 8 Pump Station and will include a maintenance program; $30, 000 will allow for detailed archaeological investigation of the site. $149, 290 is allocated to public interpretation including directional and interpretive signage, as well as a further $20, 000 for trail guides. Finally, $110, 000 will fund a public education and learning program which enables all documentation, photographs and related information on the GWSS to be made available.

This will overcome many geographic and demographic limitations for community, school and other groups. Each element will greatly improve community awareness of, and engagement with, the sites along the Goldfields Water Supply Scheme. The historic heritage values of # 8 Pump Station will be maintained, protected and conserved.

The National Trust has managed the ‘Golden Pipeline’ (GWSS heritage sites and trail) since 1999 when the Water Corporation and others transferred significant heritage assets to the Trust. The Trust has developed an overall management plan including conservation, interpretation and public educational and learning programs. This application builds upon this work, staff and contractors are familiar with the requirements of each component, and are confident of the project’s feasibility.

The National Trust in Western Australia has the capacity and proven track record of delivering projects on time and on budget. In 2015 one of the Trust’s projects – ‘Wanslea’ – won the State’s highest heritage award. Staff and contractors proposed for this project have many years’ experience working on GWSS sites and have a demonstrated track record in delivering successful outcomes.

The application is directly related to the GWSS programme’s objectives and the outcomes will conserve, maintain and protect the values included in the national listing. The project will improve conservation and access to this important national place and with the on line programme greatly improve knowledge, awareness, understanding and commitment to the GWSS by local, national and international visitors and communities.

The National Trust works closely with the Water Corporation and the 10 local governments along the Pipeline to maintain the drive trail. Trail audits are undertaken every 3-5 years or when funding allows. Many significant GWSS sites, including # 8 Pump Station, are vested in the National Trust. The warden at # 8 Pump Station provides ongoing monitoring, security and visitor services at that site. The National Trust provides in kind contributions at a minimum value of $50, 000 per annum to ensure ongoing management of the heritage values of the GWSS.

For more information please contact the National Trust (WA) on 9321 6088 during office hours.

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