Lotterywest grant supports Western Australian heritage

Lotterywest grant supports Western Australian heritage


The funding will enable the National Trust to deliver its natural heritage covenanting program, develop a cultural landscape management approach and improve visitor interpretation at several key heritage places.

The grant also includes funding towards cultural awareness training for volunteers and will allow the National Trust to engage the community in heritage festival events across the two years.

“We’re delighted that the Western Australian Government, through this Lotterywest grant, has acknowledged the important work being done for the community by the National Trust,” said the Hon Robert Kucera APM, Chair of the National Trust of Western Australia.

“As we learn more about the importance of a sense of place and subsequent benefits to wellbeing, it is vital we continue to protect and learn more about our natural and cultural heritage.”

The Hon David Templeman, Minister for Heritage, attended Peninsula Farm in Maylands to present the grant certificate to Mr Kucera and National Trust of Western Australia’s Acting CEO, Enzo Sirna AM.

Minister Templeman said the funds would improve visitor experiences at heritage places throughout Western Australia.

“It is important that people are able to interpret our heritage places to better understand the stories behind the places,” he said. “This funding will do that and more.”

Minister Templeman also heard more about plans for a key Perth heritage site. One of the first British farms in the colony, Peninsula Farm has been managed by the National Trust since 1977 and is thought to be the earliest Perth metropolitan residence still standing.

Lotterywest funding will enable the National Trust to significantly improve the visitor experience at Peninsula Farm by undertaking a cultural landscape plan and interpretation. This approach considers the broader context of the built heritage place, learning about how society and settlements have evolved within a natural environment.

Part of this work will include consultation with Whadjuk Noongar community members to ensure interpretation reflects the many peoples who have called the peninsula home.

“Supporting the National Trust’s land covenanting program ensures the preservation and promotion of our natural and cultural heritage on key sites across the state,” said Lotterywest Chief Executive Officer, Ralph Addis.

“Lotterywest is committed to building a better WA and we support community initiatives that leave a wider, lasting community impact.”

The grant will enable the National Trust to further explore the significance of cultural landscapes values across four of its key Western Australian heritage sites:

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