Minister for Heritage announces funding for Geraldton Heritage Precinct, Ngurra Barlunggu

Minister for Heritage announces funding for Geraldton Heritage Precinct, Ngurra Barlunggu

Geraldton Geraldton Heritage Precinct

Hon David Templeman MLA, Minister for Heritage for the Western Australian State Government visited Geraldton today to announce funding for conservation works at the Geraldton Heritage Precinct, Ngurra Barlunggu. During his visit, he announced the State Government has committed to investing $7.6 million over 2023 – 24 to 2026 – 27.

This investment is said to enable the undertaking of essential conservation works, addressing urgent health and safety issues identified on a number of buildings in the precinct. It will also offer benefits to the City of Greater Geraldton including the utilisation of heritage buildings for commercial, social/health and community uses, greater economic viability through a better tourism service and efficient land use.

“A high quality, conserved and activated heritage landmark is an important social benefit for the community,” said Julian Donaldson, National Trust of Western Australia CEO. “And as the managing body, we thrilled with the announcement and look forward to commencing works in 2024.”

The Geraldton Heritage Precinct was vested with the National Trust in 2008, at the time named the Bill Sewell Complex, and later renamed to the Geraldton Heritage Precinct Ngurra Barlunggu in 2020. The precinct is considered to have heritage significant for its substantial number of fine, relatively intact, late Victorian and early Federation period hospital buildings and the Old Gaol which is the earliest surviving cell block in a regional area in the State.

The 2.985ha property is known to have the largest amount of office space within one footprint in the City. It has high visibility and is located in a central location close to the Marina, Batavia commercial development and the WA Museum. The precinct has been commercially leased to a variety of not-for-profit community organisations, however has recently experienced a lessening occupancy partly due to the rate of deterioration of building fabric.

For further information please refer to the following link: WA Government Media Statements

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