National Reconciliation Week

National Reconciliation Week


Acknowledgement of Country

The National Trust of Western Australia acknowledges its properties are situated on Aboriginal land across the state. The National Trust recognises Aboriginal people remain the cultural and spiritual custodians of their land and continue to practise their values, languages, beliefs and knowledge. The National Trust is committed to working with Aboriginal people to ensure these practices are recognised and included in the conservation and interpretation of its properties and Aboriginal people are consulted and have ongoing involvement in the development of Trust projects and programs.

Warning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are warned this film may contain images and voices of people who have died.

In this together, online, and ongoing

In the spirit of National Reconciliation Week (NRW) 2020, which will be held entirely online, the National Trust of Western Australia celebrates with the viewing of this beautiful film, produced as part of the Minyipurra (Seven Sisters) Arts Project 2019.

The anniversary dates which mark NRW are significant milestones for reconciliation: 27 May – the 1967 Referendum, and 3 June – the High Court Mabo decision.

Karen Mundine, CEO of Reconciliation Australia has asked everyone to take to social media to Acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the Country they are on; “a way we can all be In this together while being apart.”

“[Today] more than 90% of Australians support reconciliation, with 80% believing in the importance of formal truth telling processes,” said Ms Mundine.

For a number of years the National Trust has been working with Yindjibarndi Traditional Owners to undertake cultural mapping and research at several key places of importance and significance to the Yindjibarndi Traditional Owners. These places included Ganjinarri (Satellite Springs), Thambirri (Tambrey Station), Gamburlarna, Buminyji (Boomaji), Caliwinge, Jirndawirrinha (Millstream), Yirraynha, Weelumurra, Milandina, Thumpa Thumpa, and Thalani.

These projects work to build capacity and strengthen cultural learning and this documentary is a snapshot of the work done in 2019.

For more information on how you can celebrate Reconciliation Week go to

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