National Trust and UWA continue to break new ground in archaeological and historical research

National Trust and UWA continue to break new ground in archaeological and historical research

Cultural Heritage General

The National Trust of Western Australia is delighted to announce our continued partnership with the University of Western Australia via the launch of a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between our two organisations, which will initially focus on archaeological and historical research opportunities. The agreed MoU emphasises the shared vision of educating generations and providing pathways through experiential learning opportunities to students.

The agreement was recently signed by the Julian Donaldson, CEO National Trust of Western Australia and Professor Anna Nowak, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) University of Western Australia.

The Hon. Bob Kucera, Chair of the National Trust of Western Australia Council and Deputy Vice Chancellor’s Office representative Scott Nicholls, University Librarian, were at the UWA campus to announce the renewed partnership between the two institutions.

At the launch, the Hon. Kucera said “After many years of partnership with the UWA, we are so pleased to be able to continue our work together and look forward to exploring ways to enrich the learning experiences of UWA students.” he added.

The launch was initiated after a seminar co-hosted by UWA and National Trust as part of National Archaeology Week 19 – 25 May 2024. ‘A Relationship in Ruins: National Trust of Western Australia and UWA Archaeology’ chartered and reflected on the various projects and initiatives that have brought the National Trust and Archaeology at UWA together since the 1980s.

Speaking to what this signing means for National Trust, Hon. Kucera said “This MoU opens a lot of new opportunities for joint projects, especially in the area of archaeological and historical research.”

National Trust and UWA have agreed to place groups of UWA staff and students at National Trust’s heritage places to conduct research, education and training in the fields of (but not restricted to) archaeology, history, Indigenous studies, architecture, education, and heritage management.

The MoU builds on a relationship that began in the 1980s and the success of a previous MoU we had with UWA from 2014-2019.

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