Site improvements at Strawberry Hill

Site improvements at Strawberry Hill

Strawberry Hill

The National Trust has recently finished an important project at Strawberry Hill, funded by the State Government of Western Australia Royalties for Regions Program through the Great Southern Development Commission. Two years of work has delivered lots of behind the scenes investigation that will contribute to planning for the commemoration of the bicentenary of British settlement in Albany in 2026/ 27.

Work has included a town planning report, engineering assessments, design of a new carpark, master planning, a feature survey and preparation of a cost plan. Most of the contracts were given to local providers who were thrilled to work on this important site, recognising it as a valuable community asset.

As the State’s first colonial farm, we believe Strawberry Hill is one of Western Australia’s most significant heritage places and this important planning will ensure an informed approach is taken with any future projects. The project has enabled further funding applications to complete the planned work.

Part of the work implemented is a new front fence and new directional signage that will help visitors find and appreciate the significance of the place. The bold new street signage has created conversations throughout the town and has ensured Strawberry Hill is more visible in the community.

The project has included many hours work by our dedicated volunteers in restoring the degraded creek that is an important water source running through the site into Lake Seppings. The waterway and nearby lake are important for the biodiversity of the region, the health of the water systems, and to the Menang people for whom Barmup is highly significant.

Strawberry Hill’s tireless volunteers have also spent many hours restoring the stage and landscaping around it. With the grounds looking amazing in spring, this special area is perfect for community or private events that can be booked through head office: 08 9321 6088.

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