Committees of Council

Committees of Council

  • Executive

    The Executive Committee is appointed by Council.

    Pursuant to Section 15 of the National Trust of Australia (WA) Act, No. 85 of 1964, the Executive Committee shall have and may exercise all the powers of the Council to administer, manage and conduct the affairs of the Trust, provided however that it shall, at all times, comply with all directions given and made by Council from time to time in relation to particular matters. That unless Council resolves otherwise, the Executive Committee may co-opt Trust members as required.

  • Aboriginal Advisory Committee

    The role of the Committee is to promote knowledge, awareness, understanding and commitment by the National Trust of Western Australia to the rights of Aboriginal people to self-determination, community empowerment and respect. The Committee will form a vital link between the Aboriginal Community and the National Trust and ensure that all National Trust projects, programs and place are informed by Aboriginal perspectives.

  • Art Deco Committee

    The purpose of the Committee is to awaken, stimulate, encourage and maintain the interest of members of the public in, and to provide public knowledge of, buildings, structures and artefacts from the Inter War Period in Western Australia which are of importance by reason of historic, architectural, traditional, sociological, artistic, literary, scientific or of other special interest.

  • Public Art and Monuments Committee

    The purpose of the Public Arts and Monuments is to identify and assess public art and monuments of cultural heritage significance and advise the Classification Standing Committee for the classification and documentation. The committee aims to educate the public and government authorities about the heritage values of public art and encourage members of the public, and the owners to value and conserve such objects.

  • Finance and Audit

    The purpose of the Finance and Audit Committee is to assist Council in fulfilling its statutory and good governance responsibilities relating to financial planning, reporting and control, risk management, accountable performance, and audit.

  • Classification Standing Committee

    The role of the Classification Standing Committee is to identify and assess places and objects of cultural heritage significance and recommend to Council the classification and conservation of those places and objects considered to have heritage significance.

  • Defence Heritage Committee

    The purpose of the Committee is to support the National Trust of Western Australia in the identification, recording, classification and preservation of Western Australia’s Defence Heritage. The definition of defence heritage is as encompassing as the interests of the committee members. It is not limited to army, navy or air force artefacts, equipment, oral history or military heritage sites. It is also concerned with the history of civil and military aviation, war graves, war memorials, internment and POW camps, women’s services, restoration, conservation and the impact of war and conflict on the security and defence of Western Australian communities since 1826.

  • Significant Tree Committee

    The purpose of the Significant Trees Committee is to identify and assess trees of cultural and natural heritage significance and advise the Classification Standing Committee for the classification and conservation of those trees considered to have heritage significance.

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