Rosella House, Geraldton

Rosella House, Geraldton

Rosella House began its life as Rosella Hospital in 1912 and was designed by the eminent immigrant architect, Herbert Eales. The building stands on three lots that were once part of the much larger holding of the Burgess family.

In 1951, the Private Hospital became part of the Geraldton District Hospital, operating as an Intermediate Ward. In 1967 it was renamed Rosella House when it became a Boarding House for St Patrick’s College. Here, boys seeking to gain entrance into the Christian Brother Order were housed and trained.

The Trust acquired the property in the 1970s and in 1977 it was leased to the Alcohol and Drug Authority – who in turn leased it to the Rosella Halfway House Management Committee as a drug and alcohol rehabilitation hotel.

The building continues to play an important community role, currently leased by Hope Community Services.

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