Golden Valley Tree Park was classified by the National Trust of Western Australia in 1979. In 2001 it was entered on the State Register of Heritage Places and is protected under the Heritage Act 2018.
Golden Valley, with its natural topography, creek, the homestead and early cottage form a significant cultural landscape. The inter war tree plantings and subsequent arboretum plantings have significant landscape value. (HCWA assessment documentation).
In 2014 the Tree Park was listed in the Directory of Australian Botanic Gardens and, in 2020, it was given international recognition by the International Dendrology Society.
Please help to support the community in raising funds to conserve this important place by making a donation to the National Trust’s Golden Valley Tree Park Conservation Appeal. Please contact the Secretary via All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. For more information about tree park visit the Golden Valley Tree Park website.