Natural heritage
The National Trust believes that our natural environment is intrinsically valuable and intertwined with our cultural heritage. It tells stories of historical land use patterns and how it influences and is influenced by its occupants.
Research from around the world shows us that spending time in nature improves our health and wellbeing. Traditional Aboriginal knowledge also makes the connection between healthy minds, bodies and our environment, which provides us with inspiration, recreation, cultural and spiritual experiences. It also gives us clean air, fresh water and medicinal and food products that contribute to our health and wellbeing.
Western Australia is one of the world’s 36 internationally recognised biodiversity hotspots. Here, you can find endemic plants and animals not found anywhere else in Australia or the world.
However, our natural heritage faces threats from land clearing, weed invasion, pest animals, diseases, grazing, inappropriate fire regimes and our changing climate.
The National Trust advocates a holistic approach to heritage and recognises the cultural heritage values inherent in natural landscapes.

We manage a portfolio of 64 places around Western Australia that contain areas of bushland. These include:
- 53 hectares of remnant bush and a granite outcrop at Avondale Farm in Beverley (WA’s Wheatbelt).
- 9.56 hectares of covenanted bushland at Jarrahdale adjacent to the Jarrahdale Heritage Park.
- 1,371 hectares of Eucalypt woodland surrounding two granite outcrops at Karalee Rocks (the eastern edge of WA’s Wheatbelt).
- Remnant vegetation at Strawberry Hill / Barmup listed on the Aboriginal Heritage Sites Register and the Register of Heritage Places.
Cultural landscapes are crucial when considering the heritage values of a place and create context for sites, including:
- Wonnerup House sitting between RAMSAR listed wetlands and unique remnant Tuart forest in Wonnerup near Busselton.
- Old Blythewood overlooking Meelon (the Murray River) near Pinjarra.
- Woodbridge, Peninsula Farm and Gallop House overlooking Derbal Yerrigan (the Swan River) in Guildford, Maylands and Dalkeith.

To help protect our natural heritage, the National Trust supports Western Australia’s rich biodiversity through a range of programs. These include:
- Conservation covenanting and stewardship.
- Maintaining a significant tree register.
- Managing the Parkwater Estate bushland.
- Appeals and donations to support conservation programs, and
- promoting the value of natural heritage protection.