Parkwater Estate Bushland
In 2007 developers of the Parkwater Estate in Cowaramup donated over 30 per cent of the land inhabited by native forest and animals to the National Trust to protect the natural values of the bushland in perpetuity.
The residential estate is a unique environment interspersed with areas of high-quality natural bushland and forest. Residents and visitors can enjoy the bush setting on the dual-use walk/cycle trails established and maintained by the National Trust throughout the estate.
The strategic and careful management of this area is integral to ensuring we can retain high-quality bushland. In this regard, all landowners are bound by a Deed of Covenant when purchasing land in Parkwater, contributing to an annual levy – a designated fund administered by the National Trust, set up to cover the ongoing conservation and management of the bushland.
Some regular works undertaken include firebreak and fire access management, mowing grassed parkland areas, controlled burns, dieback hygiene and treatment and other on-ground biodiversity conservation works.
The landowners of the Parkwater estate enjoy a unique living environment and have an active and engaging residential community group.
Some of the native fauna and flora you may encounter include:
- Threatened and priority species such as black cockatoos, western ringtail possums, red-tailed phascogales, quenda (or southern brown bandicoots).
- Karri and jarrah forest.
- A variety of orchids and other plants.