Fanny Balbuk Yooreel Walk Trail

Fanny Balbuk Yooreel Walk Trail


Image: State Library of Western Australia 253420PD


CULTURAL WARNING: The National Trust of Western Australia would like to advise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers that this material contains historical photos, images, references or names of people who have passed away.

Realising a Perth Resistance Fighter

Fanny Balbuk Yooreel, a Whadjuk yorga (woman), lived through the dramatic colonisation of Boorloo (Perth) in the 19th century. She resisted changes to her homeland which tried to stop her from collecting food, accessing her Country and living her culture. She was known for her impassioned actions and high profile amongst both the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities of the time. She protested loudly at the gates of Government House and knocked down fence palings with her wanna (digging stick) in a bid to continue her traditional practices on what was fast becoming the landscape of a burgeoning British colony.

Fanny Balbuk Yooreel: Realising a Perth Resistance Fighter Walk Trail Map

Fanny Balbuk Yooreel Walk Trail

You can walk the path of Fanny Balbuk Yooreel through the Perth landscape and connect to this unique city in new ways.

Guided by Whadjuk Elder women and their extended families, this map provides an experience informed by newly compiled research to mark the 110th anniversary of the death of arguably Perth’s most important and uncelebrated Whadjuk woman.

The information in this map was compiled through the Department of Aboriginal Affairs, ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions and the National Trust of Western Australia in partnership with the City of Perth.

Fanny Balbuk Yooreel Walk Trail

State Library of Western Australia 253420PD

“She was a strong lady who had knowledge. She grew up knowing this is her country, this is her land. I’m proud to know she was a strong old lady who mixed with the white people.”

Glenys Yarran | Whadjuk Ballardong Elder

Image: State Library of Western Australia 253420PD

Fanny Balbuk Yooreel: Realising a Perth Resistance Fighter

Produced on the 110th anniversary of her death, this 27-minute documentary explores the extraordinary life of Fanny Balbuk Yooreel. Hear from Noongar Elders as they discuss her strength and the legacy she has left that continues to this day.

Plan Your Visit

Fanny Balbuk Yooreel Walk Trail

Start the walk trail at Perth Station. There are 7 stops to the trail, located across Perth CBD.

  • Perth Station, Wellington St, Perth WA 6000
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